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Online presence

The online presence feature in Centrifugo is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing active users within a specific channel. It provides a real-time view of users currently subscribed to that channel. Additionally, Centrifugo can emit join and leave events to all channel subscribers whenever clients subscribe to or unsubscribe from a channel, allowing you to track user activity more effectively.

Enabling online presence

To enable online presence, you need to set the presence option to true for the specific channel namespace in your Centrifugo configuration.

"channel": {
"namespaces": [
"name": "public",
"presence": true

After enabling this you can query presence information over server HTTP/GRPC presence call:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
--request POST \
--data '{"channel": "public:test"}' \

See description of presence API.

Also, a shorter version of presence which only contains two counters - number of clients and number of unique users in channel - may be called:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY" \
--request POST \
--data '{"channel": "public:test"}' \

See description of presence stats API.

Retrieving presence on the client side

Once presence enabled, you can retrieve the presence information on the client side too by calling the presence method on the channel.

To do this you need to give the client permission to call presence. Once done, presence may be retrieved from the subscription:

const resp = await subscription.presence(channel);

It's also available on the top-level of the client (for example, if you need to call presence for server-side subscription):

const resp = await client.presence(channel);

If the permission check has passed successfully – both methods will return an object containing information about currently subscribed clients.

Also, presenceStats method is avalable:

const resp = await subscription.presenceStats(channel);

Connection and channel custom info

It's possible to extend presence information with info (connection-wide) and chan_info (channel specific) additional information.

For connection wide info data may be taken by Centrifugo from:

  • connection token info claim
  • connect proxy result info field

For channel-specific chan_info:

  • from subscription token info claim
  • from subscribe proxy result info field

After adding additional information you will receive info and chan_info in presence responses.


Be careful to not expose specific connection sensitive data with all other users in channel.

Both info and chan_info once specified will be also attached to join and leave events.

Join and leave events

It's also possible to enable real-time tracking of users joining or leaving a channel by listening to join and leave events on the client side.

By default, Centrifugo does not send these events and they must be explicitly turned on for channel namespace:

"channel": {
"namespaces": [
"name": "public",
"presence": true,
"join_leave": true,
"force_push_join_leave": true

Then on the client side:

subscription.on('join', function(joinCtx) {
console.log('client joined:', joinCtx);

subscription.on('leave', function(leaveCtx) {
console.log('client left:', leaveCtx);

And the same on client top-level for the needs of server-side subscriptions (analogous to the presence call described above).

These events provide real-time updates and can be used to keep track of user activity and manage live interactions.

You can combine join/leave events with presence information and maintain a list of currently active subscribers - for example show the list of online players in the game room updated in real-time.

Implementation notes

The online presence feature might increase the load on your Centrifugo server, since Centrifugo need to maintain an addition data structure. Therefore, it is recommended to use this feature judiciously based on your server's capability and the necessity of real-time presence data in your application.

Always make sure to secure the presence data, as it could expose sensitive information about user activity in your application. Ensure appropriate security measures are in place.

Join and leave events delivered with at most once guarantee.

See more about presence design in design overview chapter.

Also check out FAQ which mentions scalability concerns for presence data and join/leave events.


The online presence feature of Centrifugo is a highly useful tool for real-time applications. It provides instant and live data about user activity, which can be critical for interactive features in chats, collaborative tools, multiplayer games, or live tracking systems. Make sure to configure and use this feature appropriately to get the most out of your real-time application.