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Engines and scalability

In this chapter we talk about central part of each Centrifugo server node – Engine, which consists of two parts – Broker and Presence Manager. These parts provide core functionality and the scalability properties of core Centrifugo channel-related features. For ease of use Centrifugo allows configuring the entire engine as a single entity or to specify Broker and Presence Manager separately for more flexibility.

What is Engine

The Engine in Centrifugo is responsible for:

  • publishing messages between nodes, so that in the distributed scenario Centrifugo nodes know about each other
  • handle PUB/SUB – i.e. manage channel subscriptions and publications in the distributed case
  • keep publication history (in channels where it was configured to be kept)
  • save/retrieve online presence information

By default, Centrifugo uses a memory engine – where all the data is kept in Centrifugo process memory. And there is another full-featured Engine implementation – redis – where Centrifugo utilizes Redis (or Redis-compatible storages like AWS Elasticache, KeyDB, DragonflyDB, Valkey).

With default memory engine you can start only one node of Centrifugo, while Redis engine allows running several nodes on different machines for high availability and to scale client connections. In distributed case all Centrifugo nodes will be connected via broker PUB/SUB, will discover each other and deliver publications to the node where active channel subscribers exist – so it's possible to publish message to a channel on any node and it will be automatically delivered to subscriber which can be connected to another Centrifugo node.

Memory engine keeps history and presence data in process memory, so the data is lost upon server restart. Given the ephemeral nature of Centrifugo data – the loss may be totally acceptable. When using Redis Engine the data is kept in Redis (where you can configure the desired persistence properties) instead of Centrifugo node process memory, so channel channel history data won't be lost upon Centrifugo server restart.


The engine section in Centrifugo configuration is a top-level object. It allows configuring the engine used by Centrifugo.


String. Default: memory.

Allows setting the type of engine. The default engine type is memory – you don't even need to explicitly configure it.

But to switch to the Redis engine:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {}

Memory engine

Used by default. Supports only one node. Supports all engine features keeping everything in Centrifugo node process memory.


  • Superfast since it does not involve network round trips at all
  • Does not require separate broker setup, works out of the box


  • Does not allow scaling nodes (actually you still can scale Centrifugo with Memory engine in some cases, for example when each connection is isolated and there is no need to deliver messages between nodes)
  • Does not persist publication history in channels between Centrifugo restarts.

Redis engine

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, often used as a lightweight database solution, cache, and message broker.

Centrifugo integrates with it to provide a scalable and highly available real-time messaging solution. When running multiple Centrifugo nodes and pointing them to a Redis installation by configuring the Redis engine, you get a distributed real-time messaging system where Centrifugo nodes form a cluster and communicate with each other over Redis PUB/SUB. In this case, channel history and presence information are stored in Redis.

These days, the engine also supports Redis-compatible storage solutions such as AWS ElastiCache, KeyDB, DragonflyDB, and Valkey (see more information below).

To switch from the in-memory engine to the Redis engine, update your configuration as follows:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {}


  • Scale Centrifugo horizontally by running multiple nodes without worrying about which node a client connects to—everything works seamlessly. You can execute publish API command on any Centrifugo node, and publication will be delivered to all online channel subscribers.
  • Message history in channels persists even after Centrifugo node restarts.


  • Redis requires a separate deployment.
  • Network round trips between Centrifugo nodes and Redis introduce some latency.

With Redis it's possible to come to the architecture like this:


Minimal required Redis version is 6.2.0


Let's describe various options available to configure Redis engine.


String or array of strings, default "".

Redis server address. Using a single address string it's possible to describe standalone Redis, Redis with Sentinel and Redis cluster endpoints. In most cases you will use a single address string here, but see below how passing an array of addresses allows enabling Centrifugo Redis sharding.

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": ""

You can also use an address with redis:// scheme to set Redis address. In that case you can provide additional options. For example to set Redis user and password and custom Redis database number:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "redis://user:[email protected]:6379/0"

Note, if you want to use Redis Sentinel or Redis Cluster – then you must use a special scheme for Redis address to explicitly tell Centrifugo the type of Redis setup. See below the details.


String, default "centrifugo" – custom prefix to use for channels and keys in Redis.


Boolean, default false. If set to true it forces using RESP2 protocol for communicating with Redis. By default, Redis client used by Centrifugo tries to detect supported Redis protocol automatically trying RESP3 first.


Boolean, default false – turns on using Redis Lists instead of Stream data structure for keeping history (not recommended, keeping this for backwards compatibility mostly).


Duration, default "60s".

How long presence is considered valid if not confirmed by active client connection.


Boolean, default false.

By default, Centrifugo uses online presence implementation with ZSET to track expiring items. Redis 7.4 introduced a per HASH field TTL. Option redis_presence_hash_field_ttl allows configuring Centrifugo to use the feature when storing online presence.


  • less memory in Redis for presence information since less data to keep (no need in separate ZSET), up to 1.6x improvement.
  • slightly better CPU utilization on Redis side since less keys to deal with in LUA scripts during presence get, add, remove operations.

Since HASH per field TTL is only available in Redis >= 7.4, Centrifugo requires explicit intent to enable its usage.


Boolean, default false.

It's possible to keep user mapping information on Redis side to optimize presence stats API.

It's implemented in a way that Centrifugo maintains additional per-user data structures in Redis. Similar to structures used for general client presence (ZSET + HASH). So we get a possibility to efficiently get both the number of clients in channel and the number of unique users in it.

This may be useful to drastically reduce the time of Redis operation if you call presence stats for channels with large number of active subscribers. In our benchmarks, for a channel with 100k unique subscribers, number of presence stats ops bumped from 15 to 200k per second.

The feature comes with a cost – it increases memory usage in Redis, possibly up to 2x from what was spent on presence information before enabling (less if you use info attached to a client connection, since Centrifugo does not include info payload to user mapping structures).

To enable set the option to true.


Under engine.redis.tls key you can provide unified TLS config for Redis. It allows configuring TLS for Redis client connections.

Scaling with Redis tutorial

Let's see how to start several Centrifugo nodes using the Redis Engine. We will start 3 Centrifugo nodes and all those nodes will be connected via Redis.

First, you should have Redis installed and running. As soon as it's running - we can launch 3 Centrifugo instances. Open your terminal and start the first one:

centrifugo --config=config.json --port=8000 --engine.type=redis

If your Redis is on the same machine and runs on its default port you can omit redis_address option in the command above.

Then open another terminal and start another Centrifugo instance:

centrifugo --config=config.json --port=8001 --engine.type=redis

Note that we use another port number (8001) as port 8000 is already busy by our first Centrifugo instance. If you are starting Centrifugo instances on different machines then you most probably can use the same port number (8000 or whatever you want) for all instances.

And finally, let's start the third instance:

centrifugo --config=config.json --port=8002 --engine.type=redis

Now you have 3 Centrifugo instances running on ports 8000, 8001, 8002 all connected to Redis on localhost:6379 (default used by Centrifugo) and clients can connect to any of them. You can also send API requests to any of those nodes – as all nodes connected over Redis PUB/SUB message will be delivered to all interested clients on all nodes.

To load balance clients between nodes you can use Nginx – you can find its configuration here in the documentation.


In the production environment you will most probably run Centrifugo nodes on different hosts, so there will be no need to use different port numbers.

Here is a live example where we locally start two Centrifugo nodes both connected to local Redis:

Redis Sentinel for high availability

Centrifugo supports the official way to add high availability to Redis - Redis Sentinel.

To use it you need to pass Redis address in a special format:


Note, explicit redis+sentinel scheme is required.

For example:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379?sentinel_master_name=mymaster"

In case of Redis Sentinel sentinel_master_name address param is required. Host and port becomes Sentinel address. You can provide additional Redis Sentinel addresses using addr param (can be multiple):

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379?sentinel_master_name=mymaster&addr=localhost:26380"

To specify Redis Sentinel user and password use sentinel_user and sentinel_password parameters of address:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379?sentinel_master_name=mymaster&sentinel_user=sentinel&sentinel_password=XXX"

To provide custom TLS for Redis Sentinel set sentinel_tls key to the config (which is a unified TLS config object):

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "redis+sentinel://localhost:26379?sentinel_master_name=mymaster",
"sentinel_tls": {
"enabled": true,

Sentinel configuration file may look like this (for 3-node Sentinel setup with quorum 2):

port 26379
sentinel monitor mymaster 6379 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 10000
sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 60000

You can find how to properly set up Sentinels in official documentation.

Note that when your Redis master instance is down there will be a small downtime interval until Sentinels discover a problem and come to a quorum decision about a new master. The length of this period depends on Sentinel configuration.

Haproxy instead of Sentinel configuration

Alternatively, you can use Haproxy between Centrifugo and Redis to let it properly balance traffic to Redis master. In this case, you still need to configure Sentinels but you can omit Sentinel specifics from Centrifugo configuration and just use Redis address as in a simple non-HA case.

For example, you can use something like this in Haproxy config:

listen redis
server redis-01 check port 6380 check inter 2s weight 1 inter 2s downinter 5s rise 10 fall 2
server redis-02 check port 6381 check inter 2s weight 1 inter 2s downinter 5s rise 10 fall 2 backup
bind *:16379
mode tcp
option tcpka
option tcplog
option tcp-check
tcp-check send PING\r\n
tcp-check expect string +PONG
tcp-check send info\ replication\r\n
tcp-check expect string role:master
tcp-check send QUIT\r\n
tcp-check expect string +OK
balance roundrobin

And then just point Centrifugo to this Haproxy:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": "localhost:16379"

Redis sharding

Centrifugo has built-in application-level Redis sharding support.

This resolves the situation when Redis becoming a bottleneck on a large Centrifugo setup. Redis is a single-threaded server, it's very fast but its power is not infinite so when your Redis approaches 100% CPU usage then the sharding feature can help your application to scale.

At moment Centrifugo supports a simple comma-based approach to configuring Redis shards. Let's just look at examples.

To start Centrifugo with 2 Redis shards use config like this:

"engine": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": [

If you also need to customize AUTH password, Redis DB number then you can use an extended address notation.


Due to how Redis PUB/SUB works you must not (and it's pretty useless anyway) to run different shards in one Redis instance using different Redis DB numbers.

When sharding enabled Centrifugo will spread channels and history/presence keys over configured Redis instances using a consistent hashing algorithm. At moment we use Jump consistent hash algorithm (see paper and implementation).

Redis Cluster support

Centrifugo supports Redis Cluster also. In the Redis Cluster case Centrifugo starts generating keys using hash tags to take care about distributed slot logic. Redis Cluster is detected automatically by Centrifugo.

You can provide more Redis Cluster seed nodes using addr param of Redis URL.

If you need to shard data (using app-level sharding) between several Redis clusters:

"address": [

Sharding between different Redis clusters can make sense due to the fact how PUB/SUB works in the Redis cluster. It does not scale linearly when adding nodes as all PUB/SUB messages got copied to every cluster node. See this discussion for more information on topic. To spread data between different Redis clusters Centrifugo uses the same consistent hashing algorithm described above (i.e. Jump).

Centrifugo PRO supports Redis Cluster sharded PUB/SUB and allows utilizing Redis replicas in Cluster setup.

Redis compatible storages

When using Redis engine it's possible to point Centrifugo not only to Redis itself, but also to the other Redis compatible server. Such servers may work just fine if implement Redis protocol and support all the data structures Centrifugo uses and have PUB/SUB implemented.

Some known options:

  • AWS Elasticache – it was reported to work, but we suggest you testing the setup including failover tests and work under load.
  • KeyDB – should work fine with Centrifugo, no known problems at this point regarding Centrifugo compatibility.
  • DragonflyDB - should work fine (if you experience issues with it try enabling redis_force_resp2 option). We have not tested a Redis Cluster emulation mode provided by DragonflyDB yet. We suggest you testing the setup including failover tests and work under load.
  • Valkey – should work fine since it's based on Redis v7, but no tests were performed by Centrifugal Labs.

Separate broker and presence manager

Above we described two full-feature engines available in Centrifugo. But as we mentioned engine in Centrifugo is internally consists of two isolated parts:

  • Broker – responsible for PUB/SUB (inter-node communication, channel subscriptions and publications) and channel publication history
  • Presence Manager – responsible for online presence information get/add/remove functionality

By allowing to specify broker and presence manager separately, Centrifugo provides more flexibility to users in regards to how they want to scale their Centrifugo setup. For example, it's possible to use Nats broker for PUB/SUB and Redis for presence information. Or it's possible to specify two different Redis setups – one for a Broker part and another one for presence management, just to spread the load, or to utilize the most efficient and scalable Redis setup for broker and presence management.


Centrifugo PRO makes one more step here by allowing to specify custom Broker and Presence Manager on channel namespace level.



To set a separate broker use config like this:

"broker": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "redis"


Allowed options for broker.type are redis and nats.



For Redis broker implementation Centrifugo basically re-uses the same configuration options as described above as part of Redis engine description. Nats broker is a bit special and comes with its own properties and limitations, we will describe it below.

"broker": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "redis"
"redis": {
"address": "redis://..."



To set a separate presence manager use config like this:

"presence_manager": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "redis"

At this point only redis is allowed for presence_manager.type.



For Redis presence manager implementation Centrifugo basically re-uses the same configuration options as described above as part of Redis engine description.

Example: separate Redis for broker and presence manager

"broker": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": ""
"presence_manager": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"address": ""

Nats broker

Nats is a high-performance messaging server. Among many other features it provides a very efficient PUB/SUB. Centrifugo can use it for a Broker part. Nats integration comes with limitations:

  • Nats integration works only for unreliable at most once PUB/SUB. This means that history and message recovery Centrifugo features won't be available. Centrifugo does not integrate with Nats JetStream due to a different stream model.
  • Nats wildcard channel subscriptions with symbols * and > are not supported (until explicitly on using nats_allow_wildcards option).

Nats broker quickstart

First, start Nats server:

$ nats-server
[3569] 2020/07/08 20:28:44.324269 [INF] Starting nats-server version 2.1.7
[3569] 2020/07/08 20:28:44.324400 [INF] Git commit [not set]
[3569] 2020/07/08 20:28:44.325600 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[3569] 2020/07/08 20:28:44.325612 [INF] Server id is NDAM7GEHUXAKS5SGMA3QE6ZSO4IQUJP6EL3G2E2LJYREVMAMIOBE7JT4
[3569] 2020/07/08 20:28:44.325617 [INF] Server is ready

Then start Centrifugo with a separate nats broker:

"broker": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "nats"

Run Centrifugo:

centrifugo --config=config.json

And one more Centrifugo on another port (of course in real life you will start another Centrifugo on another machine):

centrifugo --config=config.json --port=8001

Now you can scale connections over Centrifugo instances, instances will be connected over Nats server.


Under the broker.nats section you can specify options specific to Nats.


String, default nats://

Connection url in format nats://derek:pass@localhost:4222.


String, default centrifugo.

Prefix for channels used by Centrifugo inside Nats.


Duration, default 1s.

Timeout for dialing with Nats.


Duration, default 1s.

Write (and flush) timeout for a connection to Nats.


TLS object - allows configuring Nats client TLS.


Boolean, default false. When on – Centrifugo allows subscribing to wildcard Nats subjects (containing * and > symbols). This way client can receive messages from many channels while only having a single subscription.


Centrifugo join/leave feature won't work for wildcard channels because raw format does not allow Centrifugo to use its own message format for join/leave events.


Be careful with permission management in this case – wildcards allow subscribing to all channels matching a pattern, so you need to carefully design and check channel permissions in this case.

Nats raw mode

Nats raw mode when on tells Centrifugo to consume core Nats topics and not expecting any Centrifugo internal message wrapping. I.e. it allows direct mapping of Centrifugo channels to Nats topics. Your clients will simply get the raw payload Centrifugo consumed from Nats. Also note, that nats_prefix is not used when raw mode is on, if you still need some – there is an option to set prefix inside nats_raw_mode configuration option.


When using Nats raw mode join/leave feature of Centrifugo can't be used.

Here is how raw mode may be enabled:

"broker": {
"enabled": true,
"type": "nats",
"nats": {
"raw_mode": {
"enabled": true,
"channel_replacements": {
":": "."
"prefix": ""

channel_replacements is a map[string]string option which allows transforming Centrifugo channel to Nats channel before subscribing and back when consuming a message from Nats. For example, in the example above we can see channel_replacements set in a way to transform chat:index Centrifugo channel to chat.index Nats topic upon subscription. Centrifugo simply replaces all occurences of symbols in channel_replacements map to corresponding values.

If you publish to Centrifugo API with raw mode enabled – publication payloads will be simply published to Nats subject without any Centrifugo-specific wrapping too.


Centrifugo PRO per-namespace engines feature provides a way to use Nats raw mode only for specific channel namespace.


Boolean, default false.

Enables using Nats raw mode.


Map with string keys and string values, default {}.

Allows transforming Centrifugo channel to Nats channel before subscribing and back when consuming a message from Nats.


String, default "".

Prefix for channels used by Centrifugo inside Nats when raw mode is on. In raw mode Centrifugo does not use default broker.nats.prefix option to be as raw as possible by default (i.e. to translate channels 1 to 1).