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Unidirectional HTTP streaming

HTTP streaming is a technique based on using a long-lived HTTP connection between a client and a server with a chunked transfer encoding. These days it's possible to use it from the web browser using modern Fetch and Readable Streams API.

Can be enabled using:

"uni_http_stream": {
"enabled": true

Default unidirectional HTTP streaming connection endpoint in Centrifugo is:


Streaming endpoint accepts HTTP POST requests and sends JSON messages to a connection. These JSON messages can have different meaning according to Centrifuge protocol Protobuf definitions. But in most cases you will be interested in Publication push types.

Connect command

It's possible to pass initial connect command by posting a JSON body to a streaming endpoint.

Refer to the full Connect command description – it's the same as for unidirectional WebSocket.

Supported data formats



Centrifugo will send different message types to a connection. Every message is JSON encoded. A special JSON value null used as a PING message. You can simply ignore it on a client side upon receiving. You can ignore such messages or use them to detect broken connections (nothing received from a server for a long time).



Boolean, default: false.

Enables unidirectional HTTP streaming endpoint.

"uni_http_stream": {
"enabled": true


Default: 65536 (64KB)

Maximum allowed size of a initial HTTP POST request in bytes.

Connecting using CURL

Let's look how simple it is to connect to Centrifugo using HTTP streaming.

We will start from scratch, generate new configuration file:

centrifugo genconfig

Turn on uni HTTP stream and automatically subscribe users to personal channel upon connect:

"client": {
"subscribe_to_user_personal_channel": {
"enabled": true
"uni_http_stream": {
"enabled": {
"enabled": true

Run Centrifugo:

centrifugo -c config.json

In separate terminal window create token for a user:

❯ go run main.go gentoken -u user12
HMAC SHA-256 JWT for user user12 with expiration TTL 168h0m0s:

Then connect to Centrifugo uni HTTP stream endpoint with simple CURL POST request:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/connection/uni_http_stream \
-d '{"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1c2VyMTIiLCJleHAiOjE2MjUwNzMyODh9.BxmS4R-X6YXMxLfXNhYRzeHvtu_M2NCaXF6HNu7VnDM"}'

Open one more terminal window and publish message to a personal user channel:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/publish \
-d '{"channel": "#user12", "data": {"input": "hello"}}' \
-H "Authorization: apikey 9230f514-34d2-4971-ace2-851c656e81dc"

You should see this messages coming from server.

{} messages are pings from a server.

That's all, happy streaming!

Browser example

A basic browser will come soon as we update docs for v4.