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Server API walkthrough

Server API provides a way to send various commands to Centrifugo. For example, server API allows publishing messages to channels, get server statistics, etc. There are two kinds of API available at the moment:



Server HTTP API works on /api endpoint (by default). It has a simple request format: this is an HTTP POST request with application/json Content-Type and with JSON command body.

Here we will look at available command methods and parameters.


In some cases, you can just use one of our available HTTP API libraries or use Centrifugo GRPC API to avoid manually constructing requests.

HTTP API authorization

HTTP API is protected by api_key set in Centrifugo configuration. I.e. api_key option must be added to config, like:

"api_key": "<YOUR API KEY>"

This API key must be set in the request Authorization header in this way:

Authorization: apikey <KEY>

It's also possible to pass API key over URL query param. This solves some edge cases where it's not possible to use the Authorization header. Simply add ?api_key=<YOUR API KEY> query param to the API endpoint. Keep in mind that passing the API key in the Authorization header is a recommended way.

It's possible to disable API key check on Centrifugo side using the api_insecure configuration option. Be sure to protect the API endpoint by firewall rules in this case – to prevent anyone on the internet to send commands over your unprotected Centrifugo API endpoint. API key auth is not very safe for man-in-the-middle so we also recommended running Centrifugo with TLS.

A command is a JSON object with two properties: method and params.

  • method is the name of the API command you want to call.
  • params is an object with command arguments. Each method can have its own params

Before looking at all available commands here is a CURL that calls info command:

curl --header "Authorization: apikey <API_KEY>" \
--request POST \
--data '{"method": "info", "params": {}}' \

Here is a live example:

Now let's investigate each API method in detail.


Publish command allows publishing data into a channel (we call this message publication in Centrifugo). Most probably this is a command you'll use most of the time.

It looks like this:

"method": "publish",
"params": {
"channel": "chat",
"data": {
"text": "hello"

Let's apply all information said above and send publish command to Centrifugo. We will send a request using the requests library for Python.

import json
import requests

command = {
"method": "publish",
"params": {
"channel": "docs",
"data": {
"content": "1"

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
data = json.dumps(command)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'apikey ' + api_key}
resp ="", data=data, headers=headers)

The same using httpie console tool:

echo '{"method": "publish", "params": {"channel": "chat", "data": {"text": "hello"}}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey <YOUR_API_KEY>" -vvv
POST /api HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: apikey KEY
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 80
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.8

"method": "publish",
"params": {
"channel": "chat",
"data": {
"text": "hello"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:01:42 GMT

"result": {}

In case of error response object can contain error field. For example, let's publish to a channel with unknown namespace:

echo '{"method": "publish", "params": {"channel": "unknown:chat", "data": {"text": "hello"}}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey <YOUR_API_KEY>"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 55
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:03:09 GMT

"error": {
"code": 102,
"message": "namespace not found"

error object contains error code and message - this is also the same for other commands described below.

Publish params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelstringyesName of channel to publish
dataany JSONyesCustom JSON data to publish into a channel
skip_historyboolnoSkip adding publication to history for this request
tagsmap[string]stringnoPublication tags - map with arbitrary string keys and values which is attached to publication and will be delivered to clients
b64datastringnoCustom binary data to publish into a channel encoded to base64 so it's possible to use HTTP API to send binary to clients. Centrifugo will decode it from base64 before publishing. In case of GRPC you can publish binary using data field.

Publish result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
offsetintegeryesOffset of publication in history stream
epochstringyesEpoch of current stream


Similar to publish but allows to send the same data into many channels.

"method": "broadcast",
"params": {
"channels": ["CHANNEL_1", "CHANNEL_2"],
"data": {
"text": "hello"

Broadcast params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelsArray of stringsyesList of channels to publish data to
dataany JSONyesCustom JSON data to publish into each channel
skip_historyboolnoSkip adding publications to channels' history for this request
tagsmap[string]stringnoPublication tags - map with arbitrary string keys and values which is attached to publication and will be delivered to clients
b64datastringnoCustom binary data to publish into a channel encoded to base64 so it's possible to use HTTP API to send binary to clients. Centrifugo will decode it from base64 before publishing. In case of GRPC you can publish binary using data field.

Broadcast result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
responsesArray of publish responsesnoResponses for each individual publish (with possible error and publish result)


subscribe allows subscribing user to a channel.

Subscribe params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
userstringyesUser ID to subscribe
channelstringyesName of channel to subscribe user to
infoany JSONnoAttach custom data to subscription (will be used in presence and join/leave messages)
b64infostringnoinfo in base64 for binary mode (will be decoded by Centrifugo)
clientstringnoSpecific client ID to subscribe (user still required to be set, will ignore other user connections with different client IDs)
sessionstringnoSpecific client session to subscribe (user still required to be set)
dataany JSONnoCustom subscription data (will be sent to client in Subscribe push)
b64datastringnoSame as data but in base64 format (will be decoded by Centrifugo)
recover_sinceStreamPosition objectnoStream position to recover from
overrideOverride objectnoAllows dynamically override some channel options defined in Centrifugo configuration (see below available fields)

Override object

presenceBoolValueyesOverride presence
join_leaveBoolValueyesOverride join_leave
force_push_join_leaveBoolValueyesOverride force_push_join_leave
force_positioningBoolValueyesOverride force_positioning
force_recoveryBoolValueyesOverride force_recovery

BoolValue is an object like this:

"value": true/false

Subscribe result

Empty object at the moment.


unsubscribe allows unsubscribing user from a channel.

"method": "unsubscribe",
"params": {
"channel": "CHANNEL NAME",
"user": "USER ID"

Unsubscribe params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
userstringyesUser ID to unsubscribe
channelstringyesName of channel to unsubscribe user to
clientstringnoSpecific client ID to unsubscribe (user still required to be set)
sessionstringnoSpecific client session to disconnect (user still required to be set).

Unsubscribe result

Empty object at the moment.


disconnect allows disconnecting a user by ID.

"method": "disconnect",
"params": {
"user": "USER ID"

Disconnect params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
userstringyesUser ID to disconnect
clientstringnoSpecific client ID to disconnect (user still required to be set)
sessionstringnoSpecific client session to disconnect (user still required to be set).
whitelistArray of stringsnoArray of client IDs to keep
disconnectDisconnect objectnoProvide custom disconnect object, see below

Disconnect object

Field nameField typeRequiredDescription
codeintyesDisconnect code
reasonstringyesDisconnect reason

Disconnect result

Empty object at the moment.


refresh allows refreshing user connection (mostly useful when unidirectional transports are used).

Refresh params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
userstringyesUser ID to refresh
clientstringnoClient ID to refresh (user still required to be set)
sessionstringnoSpecific client session to refresh (user still required to be set).
expiredboolnoMark connection as expired and close with Disconnect Expired reason
expire_atintnoUnix time (in seconds) in the future when the connection will expire

Refresh result

Empty object at the moment.


presence allows getting channel online presence information (all clients currently subscribed on this channel).


Presence in channels is not enabled by default. See how to enable it over channel options. Also check out dedicated chapter about it.

"method": "presence",
"params": {
"channel": "chat"


fz@centrifugo: echo '{"method": "presence", "params": {"channel": "chat"}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 127
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:13:17 GMT

"result": {
"presence": {
"c54313b2-0442-499a-a70c-051f8588020f": {
"client": "c54313b2-0442-499a-a70c-051f8588020f",
"user": "42"
"adad13b1-0442-499a-a70c-051f858802da": {
"client": "adad13b1-0442-499a-a70c-051f858802da",
"user": "42"

Presence params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelstringyesName of channel to call presence from

Presence result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
presenceMap of client ID (string) to ClientInfo objectnoOffset of publication in history stream


Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
clientstringnoClient ID
userstringnoUser ID
conn_infoJSONyesOptional connection info
chan_infoJSONyesOptional channel info


presence_stats allows getting short channel presence information - number of clients and number of unique users (based on user ID).

"method": "presence_stats",
"params": {
"channel": "chat"


echo '{"method": "presence_stats", "params": {"channel": "public:chat"}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 43
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:09:44 GMT

"result": {
"num_clients": 0,
"num_users": 0

Presence stats params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelstringyesName of channel to call presence from

Presence stats result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
num_clientsintegernoTotal number of clients in channel
num_usersintegernoTotal number of unique users in channel


history allows getting channel history information (list of last messages published into the channel). By default if no limit parameter set in request history call will only return current stream position information - i.e. offset and epoch fields. To get publications you must explicitly provide limit parameter. See also history API description in special doc chapter.


History in channels is not enabled by default. See how to enable it over channel options.

"method": "history",
"params": {
"channel": "chat",
"limit": 2


echo '{"method": "history", "params": {"channel": "chat", "limit": 2}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 129
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 05:30:48 GMT

"result": {
"epoch": "qFhv",
"offset": 4,
"publications": [
"data": {
"text": "hello"
"offset": 2
"data": {
"text": "hello"
"offset": 3

History params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelstringyesName of channel to call history from
limitintnoLimit number of returned publications, if not set in request then only current stream position information will present in result (without any publications)
sinceStreamPosition objectnoTo return publications after this position
reverseboolnoIterate in reversed order (from latest to earliest)


Field nameField typeRequiredDescription
offsetintegeryesOffset in a stream
epochstringyesStream epoch

History result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
publicationsArray of publication objectsyesList of publications in channel
offsetintegeryesTop offset in history stream
epochstringyesEpoch of current stream


history_remove allows removing publications in channel history. Current top stream position meta data kept untouched to avoid client disconnects due to insufficient state.

"method": "history_remove",
"params": {
"channel": "chat"


echo '{"method": "history_remove", "params": {"channel": "chat"}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 43
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:09:44 GMT

"result": {}

History remove params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
channelstringyesName of channel to remove history

History remove result

Empty object at the moment.


channels return active channels (with one or more active subscribers in it).

"method": "channels",
"params": {}

Channels params

Parameter nameParameter typeRequiredDescription
patternstringnoPattern to filter channels, we are using gobwas/glob library for matching

Channels result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
channelsMap of string to ChannelInfonoMap where key is channel and value is ChannelInfo (see below)


Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
num_clientsintegernoTotal number of connections currently subscribed to a channel

Keep in mind that since the channels method by default returns all active channels it can be really heavy for massive deployments. Centrifugo does not provide a way to paginate over channels list. At the moment we mostly suppose that channels API call will be used in the development process or for administrative/debug purposes, and in not very massive Centrifugo setups (with no more than 10k active channels). A better and scalable approach for huge setups could be a real-time analytics approach described here.


info method allows getting information about running Centrifugo nodes.


echo '{"method": "info", "params": {}}' | http "localhost:8000/api" Authorization:"apikey KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 184
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 22:07:58 GMT

"result": {
"nodes": [
"name": "Alexanders-MacBook-Pro.local_8000",
"num_channels": 0,
"num_clients": 0,
"num_users": 0,
"uid": "f844a2ed-5edf-4815-b83c-271974003db9",
"uptime": 0,
"version": ""

Info params

Empty object at the moment.

Info result

Field nameField typeOptionalDescription
nodesArray of Node objectsnoInformation about all nodes in a cluster

Command pipelining

It's possible to combine several commands into one request to Centrifugo. To do this use JSON streaming format. This can improve server throughput and reduce traffic traveling around.


curl --header "Authorization: apikey <API_KEY>" \
--request POST \
--data $'{"method": "publish", "params": {"channel": "test1", "data": {"test": 1}}}\n{"method": "publish", "params": {"channel": "test2", "data": {"test": 2}}}' \

Note that with CURL we had to use $ to properly send new line \n character in data.

HTTP API libraries

Sending an API request to Centrifugo is a simple task to do in any programming language - this is just a POST request with JSON payload in body and Authorization header.

But we have several official HTTP API libraries for different languages, to help developers to avoid constructing proper HTTP requests manually:

Also, there are API libraries created by community:


Also, keep in mind that Centrifugo has GRPC API so you can automatically generate client API code for your language.


Centrifugo also supports GRPC API. With GRPC it's possible to communicate with Centrifugo using a more compact binary representation of commands and use the power of HTTP/2 which is the transport behind GRPC.

GRPC API is also useful if you want to publish binary data to Centrifugo channels.


GRPC API allows calling all commands described in HTTP API doc, actually both GRPC and HTTP API in Centrifugo based on the same Protobuf schema definition. So refer to the HTTP API description doc for the parameter and the result field description.

You can enable GRPC API in Centrifugo using grpc_api option:

"grpc_api": true

By default, GRPC will be served on port 10000 but you can change it using the grpc_api_port option.

Now, as soon as Centrifugo started – you can send GRPC commands to it. To do this get our API Protocol Buffer definitions from this file.

Then see GRPC docs specific to your language to find out how to generate client code from definitions and use generated code to communicate with Centrifugo.

GRPC example for Python

For example for Python you need to run sth like this according to GRPC docs:

pip install grpcio-tools
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ./ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. api.proto

As soon as you run the command you will have 2 generated files: and Now all you need is to write a simple program that uses generated code and sends GRPC requests to Centrifugo:

import grpc
import api_pb2_grpc as api_grpc
import api_pb2 as api_pb

channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:10000')
stub = api_grpc.CentrifugoApiStub(channel)

resp = stub.Info(api_pb.InfoRequest())
except grpc.RpcError as err:
# GRPC level error.
print(err.code(), err.details())
if resp.error.code:
# Centrifugo server level error.
print(resp.error.code, resp.error.message)

Note that you need to explicitly handle Centrifugo API level error which is not transformed automatically into GRPC protocol-level error.

GRPC example for Go

Here is a simple example of how to run Centrifugo with the GRPC Go client.

You need protoc, protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc installed.

First start Centrifugo itself with GRPC API enabled:

CENTRIFUGO_GRPC_API=1 centrifugo --config config.json

In another terminal tab:

mkdir centrifugo_grpc_example
cd centrifugo_grpc_example/
touch main.go
go mod init centrifugo_example
mkdir apiproto
cd apiproto
wget -O api.proto

Run protoc to generate code:

protoc -I ./ api.proto --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=.

Put the following code to main.go file (created on the last step above):

package main

import (



func main() {
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:10000", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
client := apiproto.NewCentrifugoApiClient(conn)
for {
resp, err := client.Publish(context.Background(), &apiproto.PublishRequest{
Channel: "chat:index",
Data: []byte(`{"input": "hello from GRPC"}`),
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Transport level error: %v", err)
} else {
if resp.GetError() != nil {
respError := resp.GetError()
log.Printf("Error %d (%s)", respError.Code, respError.Message)
} else {
log.Println("Successfully published")

Then run:

go run main.go

The program starts and periodically publishes the same payload into chat:index channel.

GRPC API key authorization

You can also set grpc_api_key (string) in Centrifugo configuration to protect GRPC API with key. In this case, you should set per RPC metadata with key authorization and value apikey <KEY>. For example in Go language:

package main

import (



type keyAuth struct {
key string

func (t keyAuth) GetRequestMetadata(ctx context.Context, uri ...string) (map[string]string, error) {
return map[string]string{
"authorization": "apikey " + t.key,
}, nil

func (t keyAuth) RequireTransportSecurity() bool {
return false

func main() {
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:10000", grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(keyAuth{"xxx"}))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
client := apiproto.NewCentrifugoClient(conn)
for {
resp, err := client.Publish(context.Background(), &PublishRequest{
Channel: "chat:index",
Data: []byte(`{"input": "hello from GRPC"}`),
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Transport level error: %v", err)
} else {
if resp.GetError() != nil {
respError := resp.GetError()
log.Printf("Error %d (%s)", respError.Code, respError.Message)
} else {
log.Println("Successfully published")

For other languages refer to GRPC docs.