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Console commands

Here is a list of console commands that come with Centrifugo executable.

version command

To show Centrifugo version and exit run:

centrifugo version

checkconfig command

Centrifugo has special command to check configuration file checkconfig:

centrifugo checkconfig --config=config.json

If any errors found during validation – program will exit with error message and exit code 1.

genconfig command

Another command is genconfig:

centrifugo genconfig -c config.json

It will automatically generate the minimal required configuration file.

If any errors happen – program will exit with error message and exit code 1.

genconfig also supports generation of YAML and TOML configuration file formats - just provide an extension to a file:

centrifugo genconfig -c config.toml

gentoken command

Another command is gentoken:

centrifugo gentoken -c config.json -u 28282

It will automatically generate HMAC SHA-256 based token for user with ID 28282 (which expires in 1 week).

You can change token TTL with -t flag (number of seconds):

centrifugo gentoken -c config.json -u 28282 -t 3600

This way generated token will be valid for 1 hour.

If any errors happen – program will exit with error message and exit code 1.

checktoken command

One more command is checktoken:

centrifugo checktoken -c config.json <TOKEN>

It will validate your connection JWT, so you can test it before using while developing application.

If any errors happen or validation failed – program will exit with error message and exit code 1.