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Centrifugo supports reporting metrics in Prometheus format and can automatically export metrics to Graphite.


To enable Prometheus endpoint start Centrifugo with prometheus option on:

"prometheus": true

This will enable /metrics endpoint so the Centrifugo instance can be monitored by your Prometheus server.


To enable automatic export to Graphite (via TCP):

"graphite": true,
"graphite_host": "localhost",
"graphite_port": 2003

By default, stats will be aggregated over 10 seconds intervals inside Centrifugo and then pushed to Graphite over TCP connection.

If you need to change this aggregation interval use the graphite_interval option (in seconds, default 10).

Grafana dashboard

Check out Centrifugo official Grafana dashboard for Prometheus storage. You can import that dashboard to your Grafana, point to Prometheus storage – and enjoy visualized metrics.