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Migrating to v3

This chapter aims to help developers migrate from Centrifugo v2 to Centrifugo v3. Migration should mostly affect the backend part only, so you won't need to change the code of your frontend applications at all. In most cases, all you should do is adapt Centrifugo configuration to match v3 changes and redeploy Centrifugo using v3 build instead of v2.

There are a couple of exceptions - read carefully about client-side changes below.

In any case – don't forget to test your application before running in production.

Client-side changes

Client protocol has some backward incompatible changes regarding working with history API and removing deprecated fields.

No unlimited history by default

Call to history API from client-side now does not return all publications from history cache. It returns only information about a stream with zero publications. Clients should explicitly provide a limit when calling history API. Also, the maximum allowed limit can be set by client_history_max_publication_limit option (by default 300).

We provide a boolean flag use_unlimited_history_by_default on configuration file top level to enable previous behavior while you migrate client applications to use explicit limit.

Publication limit for recovery

The maximum number of messages that can be recovered is now limited by client_recovery_max_publication_limit option which is by default 300.

Seq/Gen fields removed

Deprecated seq/gen now removed and Centrifugo uses offset field for a position in a stream. This means that there is no need for v3_use_offset option anymore – it's not used in Centrifugo v3.

Server-side changes

Time interval options are duration

In Centrifugo v3 all time intervals should be configured using duration.

For example "proxy_connect_timeout": 1 should be changed to "proxy_connect_timeout": "1s".

We provide a configuration converter which takes this change into account.

Channel options changes

In Centrifugo v3 history_recover option becomes recover.

Option history_lifetime renamed to history_ttl and it's now a duration.

Option server_side removed, see protected option as a replacement.

We provide a configuration converter which takes these changes into account.

Some command-line flags removed

Configuring over command-line flags is not very convenient for production deployments, Centrifugo v3 reduced the number of command-line flags available – it mostly has flags frequently useful for development now.

Enforced request Origin check

In Centrifugo v3 you should explicitly set a list of allowed origins which are allowed to connect to client transport endpoints.

"allowed_origins": [""]

There is a way to disable origin check, but it's discouraged and insecure in case you are using connect proxy feature.

"allowed_origins": ["*"]

Updated GRPC API Protobuf package

In Centrifugo v3 we addressed an issue where package name in Protobuf definitions resulted in some inconvenience and attempts to rename it. But it's not possible to rename it since GRPC uses it as part of RPC methods internally. Now GRPC API package looks like this:

package centrifugal.centrifugo.api;

This means you need to regenerate your GRPC code which communicates with Centrifugo using the latest Protobuf definitions. Refer to the GRPC API doc.

Channels API method changed

The response format of channels API call changed in v3. See description in API doc.

The channels method has new additional possibilities like showing the number of connections in a channel and filter channels by pattern.


Channels API call still has the same concern as before: this method does not scale well for many active channels in a system and is mostly recommended for administrative/debug purposes.

HTTP proxy changes

When using HTTP proxy you should now set an explicit list of headers you want to proxy. To mimic the behavior of Centrifugo v2 add to your configuration:

"proxy_http_headers": [

If you had a list of extra HTTP headers using proxy_extra_http_headers then additionally extend list above with values from proxy_extra_http_headers. Then you can remove proxy_extra_http_headers - it's not used anymore.

Another important change is how Centrifugo proxies binary data over HTTP JSON proxy. Previously proxy mode (whether to use base64 fields or not) could be configured using encoding=binary URL param of connection. With Centrifugo v3 it's only possible to use binary mode by enabling "proxy_binary_encoding": true option. BTW according to our community poll only 2% of Centrifugo users used binary mode in HTTP proxy. If you have problems with new behavior – write about your situation to our community chats – and we will see what's possible.

JWT changes

eto claim of subscription JWT removed. But since Centrifugo v3 introduced an additional expire_at claim it's still possible to implement one-time subscription tokens without enabling subscription expiration workflow by setting "expire_at: 0" in subscription JWT claims.

Redis configuration changes

Redis configuration was a bit messy - especially in the Redis sharding case, in v3 we decided to clean up it a bit. Make it more explicit and reduce the number of possible ways to configure.

Refer to the Redis Engine docs for the new configuration details. The important thing is that there is no separate redis_host and redis_port option anymore – those are replaced with single redis_address option.

Redis streams used by default

Centrifugo v3 will use Redis Stream data structure to keep history instead of lists.


This requires Redis >= 5.0.1 to work. If you still need List data structure or have an old Redis version you can use "redis_use_lists": true to mimic the default behavior of Centrifugo v2.

SockJS disabled by default

Our poll showed that most Centrifugo users do not use SockJS transport. In v3 it's disabled by default. You can enable it by setting "sockjs": true in configuration.

Other configuration changes

Here is a full list of configuration option changes. We provide a best-effort configuration converter.

allowed_origins is now required to be set to authorize requests with Origin header

v3_use_offset removed

redis_streams removed

tls_autocert_force_rsa removed

redis_pubsub_num_workers removed

sockjs_disable removed

secret renamed to token_hmac_secret_key

history_lifetime renamed to history_ttl

history_recover renamed to recover

client_presence_ping_interval renamed to client_presence_update_interval

client_ping_interval renamed to websocket_ping_interval

client_message_write_timeout renamed to websocket_write_timeout

client_request_max_size renamed to websocket_message_size_limit

client_presence_expire_interval renamed to presence_ttl

memory_history_meta_ttl renamed to history_meta_ttl

redis_history_meta_ttl renamed to history_meta_ttl

redis_sequence_ttl renamed to history_meta_ttl

redis_presence_ttl renamed to presence_ttl

presence_ttl should be converted to duration

websocket_write_timeout should be converted to duration

websocket_ping_interval should be converted to duration

client_presence_update_interval should be converted to duration

history_ttl should be converted to duration

history_meta_ttl should be converted to duration

nats_dial_timeout should be converted to duration

nats_write_timeout should be converted to duration

graphite_interval should be converted to duration

shutdown_timeout should be converted to duration

shutdown_termination_delay should be converted to duration

proxy_connect_timeout should be converted to duration

proxy_refresh_timeout should be converted to duration

proxy_rpc_timeout should be converted to duration

proxy_subscribe_timeout should be converted to duration

proxy_publish_timeout should be converted to duration

client_expired_close_delay should be converted to duration

client_expired_sub_close_delay should be converted to duration

client_stale_close_delay should be converted to duration

client_channel_position_check_delay should be converted to duration

node_info_metrics_aggregate_interval should be converted to duration

websocket_ping_interval should be converted to duration

websocket_write_timeout should be converted to duration

sockjs_heartbeat_delay should be converted to duration

redis_idle_timeout should be converted to duration

redis_connect_timeout should be converted to duration

redis_read_timeout should be converted to duration

redis_write_timeout should be converted to duration

redis_cluster_addrs renamed to redis_cluster_address

redis_sentinels renamed to redis_sentinel_address

redis_master_name renamed to redis_sentinel_master_name

v2 to v3 config converter

Here is a converter between Centrifugo v2 and v3 JSON configuration. It can help to translate most of the things automatically for you.

If you are using Centrifugo with TOML format then you can use online converter as initial step. Or yaml-to-json and json-to-yaml for YAML.


It's fully client-side: your data won't be sent anywhere.


Unfortunately, we can't migrate environment variables and command-line flags automatically - so if you are using env vars or command-line flags to configure Centrifugo you still need to migrate manually. Also, be aware: this converter tool is the best effort only – we can not guarantee it solves all corner cases, especially in Redis configuration. You may still need to fix some things manually, for example - properly fill allowed_origins.

Here will be configuration for v3
Here will be log of changes made in your config